September 22, 2007

Family Tree Update

Well here I am again, I was not expecting to have an update so soon about the drama I found way back in my family tree. I have actually had “breaking news” for a while but have not had a chance to sit down and write. My adapter died for my lap top so I have been without for a few days. Anyways I am back now and that is what matters.

So I got an email from a fellow distant relative that has been researching the same line as I and was informed that she had found some information about the family member “Drake” who killed another family.

As it turns out it is a true story and it was a little slave girl who turned him in! Can you imagine living with that memory your entire life! The little girl was hiding in a bread box in the kitchen while the murders were taking place. Apparently people were sitting around talking about what had happened and who could have done such a terrible thing and the little girl pointed to Drake and said he did it.

Can you imagine the looks on peoples faces when they heard that! How crazy. I can not imagine sitting there and the guy sitting next to me is pointed out as the killer.

Anyway, I am ranting. I am just going to post the information on here. It is easier then trying to retell the story myself. I think I am going to post the previous information I found as well just so there is more of a background. Then maybe my story will make a little more sense….

Mathew Drake was hanged for the murders of Jimmie Scott
and family. There was a reported dispute over finances
owed Mr. Scott. It is said that a slave girl who hid in the
Scott residence pointed out Mathew as the assailant.
After Mathews death, wife Mariah took up residence
with William Blythe and had four more children

But wait there is more…..

Had four children with William Blythe, appx. 10 years
her junior. Never married. He lived with her until he
disappeared from So.H Co. census 1870. Children
appeared in 1860 census as “Drakes” and “Blythes”
in 1870 census

So now I need to find these census records that have both the Drake and the Blythe children listed. Just so I have it for my own personal documentation. I like how the above state that William Disappeared off the census. Uh could that mean he died? Was he in hiding? Military? So it looks like as soon as one mystery is figured out another one begins…..

I have yet to even touch my grandfathers side of the family. We seem to know hardly anything about that side so that will be another grand adventure I am sure.

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